5 powerful tips to make your Twitter #hashtags stand out

Source: Pixabay

Hashtags. They are everywhere but what do they mean? Hashtags are handy because they help users find your content easier. Here are five tips I learned from hashtags.

#1. Keep them short

  • Has people find your content easier if it’s short.
  • No one searches for a hashtag that is a long sentence.
  • Longer hashtags can clutter your content.
  • Twitter has a character limit of 255.

#2. Use popular tags

  • Twitter has a system of popular tags that people have used a lot.
  • Using trends can also help users to better find your content.
  • Popularity can change every day.

#3. Keep them relevant but not general

  • You do not want to use popular tags because of their usage.
  • Misusing the tag will frustrate the user and you’ll lose traffic.
  • Your hashtags must be relevant to your content. A relevant hashtag means users will know what to expect from your content.
  • Do have a hashtag that is not general and specific.
  • Example: if it’s about your dog, you can tag its breed instead of saying dog.
Source: Pixabay

#4. Do not use a lot of them

  • Two hashtags should be the largest.
  • If you keep your hashtags relevant and specific, you will only need two.
  • You do not want to flood your Twitter post with hashtags. This gives the impression you are trying too hard to make your post stand out.

#5. Spaces and punctuations not allowed

  • Hashtags are like website links, if there are spaces and punctuations it will not work.
  • If there are hashtags that are short sentences, I recommend CamelCase.
  • CamelCase is great because it also adds readability when a new word has a capital case.
  • Example: #SundayMorning compared to #sundaymorning

Now that you have learned about hashtags, you can apply these skills to stand out!

Thank you for reading this post. If you enjoyed this content, please consider following me on Twitter.

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